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Can you believe you’re here? Mom.

Of just a few weeks, of a kindergartner, of a teenager,

of a just-yesterday-baby leaving home? 

There are the moments we love: the traditions and celebrations. The cozy times together. Watching our kids accomplish something hard. Knowing they’re happy and safe. 


And there’s the reality of parenting that’s hard. The times we fail to show up for our kids in a way  that’s aligned with our values. When we have nothing left to give and feel like we’re not good enough.  The guilt. When we’re at a total loss on how to support our struggling children. When we feel SO alone,  even if we have a parenting partner & community. When we’re overwhelmed by the mental load - the constant tracking of all the things to do and how to do them for the family. 


I support women navigating motherhood with parent coaching & psychoeducation, and deep inner-personal work. We share the joy, the worry, & the grief while renegotiating your beliefs and approach to motherhood AND personhood. This allows you to show up as a version of yourself you enjoy - with more capacity and better capability.

There is a long and wide history of adoption in my family.

It is an honor for me to work with families touched by adoption. I support women

experiencing infertility, considering adoption, adopting a baby or child,

working with attachment & family dynamics, building cultural competency,

and navigating the ups and downs of their adopted child/teen. 

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